Published scores are available for purchase from GCNA, ACME, and Yale University.
For information and pricing on commissions, please contact Joey directly.
If Stones Fell Like Leaves
Original composition for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon.
Commissioned by Campus and Student Life at the University of Chicago.
Premiered by Joey Brink, November 18, 2018.
(Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes)
Original composition for carillon + electronics.
Composed for Rockefeller Carillon New Music Festival.
Premiered by Joey Brink, May 26, 2018.
How The Light Gets In
Original composition for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon duet.
Commissioned by George Gregory.
Premiered by George Gregory and Julianne Vanden Wyngaard at the 75th GCNA congress, Mariemont, Ohio, June 22, 2017.
Grace Notes
Original composition for 4-octave carillon.
Commissioned by John Heard.
Premiered by Dianne Heard at University or Rochester, NY, May 21, 2017, to celebrate their daughter's graduation.
Moonflower Faeries
Original composition for 5-octave carillon.
Commissioned by Bok Tower Gardens.
Premiered by Geert D'hollander at at the International Carillon Festival, Bok Tower, March 4-11, 2017.
Letters from the Sky
Original composition for the 6-octave Rockefeller carillon.
Premiered by Joey Brink at Ear Taxi Festival, June 6, 2016.
Suite of 8 movements for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon:
1. Prelude
2. Images
3. Chaconnine
4. Soliloquy
5. Lullaby
6. Spectrum
7. Optical Illusion
8. Convocation
Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Yale Carillon.
Dedicated to and premiered by Megan Brink, June 16, 2016.
Published in 2016 by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs.
Original composition for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon.
Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Yale Carillon.
Premiered by Joey Brink, June 17, 2016.
Published in 2016 by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs.
Original composition for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon.
Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Yale Carillon.
Dedicated to Vera Brink, premiered by Joey Brink, June 19, 2016.
Published in 2016 by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs.
All Kinds of Whether
Choose-your-own-adventure suite of 8 movements for 4 and 4.5-octave carillon duet.
Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Yale Carillon.
Premiered by Tiffany Lin and Michael Solotke, June 18, 2016.
Published in 2016 by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs.
Gladdest Years of Life
A fantasy on "Bright College Years" for 4.5-octave carillon duet.
Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Yale Carillon.
Dedicated to Stephen Hall and Lynnli Wang, premiered by Alicia Ding and Heather Wang, June 19, 2016.
Published in 2016 by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs.
Original composition for 4-octave carillon, March 2015.
Dedicated to Malgosia Fiebig, and premiered by Malgosia on September 17, 2015 on the occasion of the the Zwolle Carillon Competition.
3rd Prize Winner in the Zwolle Carillon Competition.
Published by the Zwolle Beiaard Stichting.
A Collection of Carillon Pieces
Seven original compositions for 4 or 4.5-octave carillon:
Augment & Groove
Guaraldi's Waltz
Enchanted Errands
We'd Better Not Boogie (duet)
The Quest
Commissioned by Ellen Dickinson & The Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs, May 2015.
Published by the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs in 2015.
Original composition for 4-octave carillon, November 2013.
Dedicated to Ellen Dickinson.
Published in 2015 by the GCNA.
The Mixolydian Mixup
Original composition for 4-octave carillon, May 2012.
Dedicated to Geert D'hollander.
Published in 2013 by the GCNA.
photo credit Erielle Bakkum
Composing for Carillon. New Music Box. December 19, 2017.
JJ Abbott, JB Brink, B Osting. Computing Minimum-Power Dipole Solutions for Interdipole Forces Using Nonlinear Constrained Optimization With Application to Electromagnetic Formation Flight. IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters, Vol. 2, Iss. 2. April 2017
A Petruska, JB Brink, JJ Abbott. First Demonstration of a Modular and Reconfigurable Magnetic-Manipulation System. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, Washington. 2015.
JB Brink, Andrew Petruska, David Johnson, Jake Abbott. “Factors Affecting the Design of Untethered Magnetic Haptic Interfaces.” IEEE Haptics Symposium. Houston, Texas. 2014. Best Paper Award.
JB Brink, Y Zheng, JB Morrell. A Haptically Accurate Practice Carillon. Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2012 IEEE, 57-64. 2012. Best Demonstration.
JD Servaites, BM Savoie, JB Brink, T Marks, M Ratner. Modeling geminate pair dissociation in organic solar cells: high power conversion efficiencies achieved with moderate optical bandgaps. Engery & Environmental Science. 2012