"...a quiet hypnotic power..."
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15th Annual DU Carillon Recital Series, 2024
April 21, Ellen Dickinson
May 27, Joey Brink
June 23, Geert D'hollander
July 21, Joanna Stroz
August 25, Joseph Min

Bells, Bells, Bells! Inside the Grand Carillon
Join me in this 3-week course, offered through DU, as I cover carillon history, repertoire, technique, acoustics, and more. Registration. Wed, Mar. 13, 20, 2024, 7-9 pm MT
Sun., Mar. 24, 2-4 pm

Rock ‘n’ (Marble) Roll: Music, Art and Rolling Marbles
My other passion! I'll be presenting on marble runs. Registration required to attend. Free.
Wed, Jan 10, 8pm MT. Virtual on zoom.

Bell Illuminations, Augusta Read Thomas
April 1, 2022. Appearing on Thomas' album is her composition for carillon and swinging bells, Crescat Scientia; Vita Excolatur. Performed by Joey and three of his students: Emily Kim, Joseph Min, João Shida. Listen.

New Appointment at University of Denver
September 2022
I will join the faculty at the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver!
A search is underway for my successor in Chicago. Job posting here.

Finalist, Inspired by Olmsted Contest
beneath a canopy of trees
3rd prize in the the Inpsired by Olmsted Contest, hosted by the National Association for Olmsted Parks

World Premier, Augusta Read Thomas
Crescat scientia; vita excolatur
The inauguration of UChicago President Paul Alivisatos. October 29, 2021, 10am, Rockefeller Chapel. News. Premier recording.

Finalist, Leuven Composition Competition
Expansion, 4th prize in the Campanae Lovanienses, Matthias Vanden Gheyn Competition.
October 22, 2021: premier recording here.

UChicago News, February 2021
UChicago News. How UChicago’s carillonneur finds inspiration during the pandemic. Joey Brink reflects on summer closure of Rockefeller Chapel bells, importance of live music.

Augusta Read Thomas, The Auditions
Appearance of Ripple Effects with Michael Solotke on Augusta Read Thomas' latest album, The Auditions. May 1, 2020.
"unlike anything I’ve heard all year...”

NYTimes "Watching Newsletter"
NYTimes, Margaret Lyons, Watching Newsletter. "I did not expect to watch a 36-minute video about bells this week..."
August 2019.